The Threat, The               


fabrication by the III; graphic design by Nick Labate; special thanks to Emma Todd, Lily Bukalski, Avarice Stankiewicz, Adrian Wood, Jess Robbins, Benjamin Coe, Daisy Dudley, Arthur Brill, Shari Robinson, the Richmond Homeschool Resources Group, Bart Muzzarelli, Melissa Goldman, Trevor Kemp, Kevin Everson, Eric Schmidt, Elena Yu, and Gary Wood

several photos courtesy of Stacey Evans, Elena Yu, and Adrian Wood; performance footage courtesy of Jolinna Li and Anna Hogg

exhibition guide:

Ground without Figure (There Will Be No Emergencies)


existing architecture, plastic boxwood, pine, spruce, acrylic sheets, concrete, rubberized stucco, latex paint, found and altered steel cage from the Western State Lunatic Asylum, found steel clamp from the Western State Lunatic Asylum, found slag from the Western State Lunatic Asylum, found bricks from the Western State Lunatic Asylum, found and altered military cargo nets, CCTV camera system, PA speaker with monologue read by modified AI voice clone, solar panels, cabling, hardware

10.5 x 17.25 x 33.5 ft

sound composition and direction in collaboration with Adrian Wood; AI-read quotations from William Barr, Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, George H. W. Bush, Eugene McCain, Richard M. Daley, Ron Johnson, Daniel Linskey, Tim Longo, Ed Koch, Jay Nixon, Jim Ryan, Paul Schell, and Tim Walz

A History of Taking Up Space


existing architecture, pine, spruce, stainless steel, rubberized cement, fiberglass, epoxy resin, urethane paint, handmade bricks, found bricks from the Western State Lunatic Asylum, found concrete with razor wire from the Western State Lunatic Asylum, found riot helmets, found riot batons, found and altered turnstiles, stepper motor, microcontrollers, monitor with looping HD video, cabling, hardware

11.25 x 27.5 x 35 ft

motion engineering and coding in collaboration with Arthur Brill, Shari Robinson, and robotics students from the Richmond Homeschool Resources Group; 3D animation in collaboration with Bart Muzzarelli

Cut with the Kitchen Knife Our House Screaming through the Last Bunker, Precinct, Mansion, Conference Center, Courthouse


inkjet on newsprint, vinyl on window, repeated happenings with “outside agitators”

windows: 10 x 25.75 x 1 ft; performance: 2h

performance scripting and direction in collaboration with Adrian Wood; vinyl design in collaboration with Nick Labate; quotations from anonymous sources recorded on site at the following events: "Bloody Monday," Danville, VA, 1963; Democratic National Convention, Chicago, 1968; ACT UP March on City Hall, NYC, 1989; "Battle of Seattle," 1999; Occupy Wall Street, NYC, 2011; burning of the 3rd Precinct, Minneapolis, 2020

The Exact Right Amount of Force


direction and live score by Adrian Wood; performances by Strings Applewood, Rachel Austin, Ben Cunningham, Piera Goldstein-Yerkes, Alma Rayen, and Jess Robbins
